An AI Technology Helps Ensure the Right of Ukrainian Citizens to Clean Air at the Legislative Level


In Ukraine, the public organization “CHESNO” is leveraging innovative AI technologies to identify potential corruption risks in legislative texts. AI algorithms quickly and effectively detected hidden corruption risks in legislative acts that were not identified through traditional expert analysis methods.


CHESNO is a public movement in Ukraine, established in 2011, focused on engaging citizens in the fight against political corruption and in overseeing government activities.

Problem Statement:

CHESNO aims to significantly increase the transparency and efficiency of the legislative process in Ukraine. The decision to apply AI-based analytical tools was made not only to automate the detection of corruption risks in the provisions of Ukrainian legislative acts but also to gradually improve AI algorithms in this area by training them on real-life examples and expert feedback.

AI Solution Overview:

BestAgreement.AI identifies suspicious language in legal documents by analyzing keywords that may indicate signs of corruption. 

Using the BestAgreement.AI platform, CHESNO analysts identified several gaps in legislative acts regarding cleaning the environment from industrial pollution. Specifically, they analyzed bill No. 11355 “On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution” (Ukraine, 2024) and the Government resolution (Ukraine, 2023) on the introduction of automated control systems (ACS).

Key Findings:

  1. Identification of Corruption Factors

Using the BestAgreement.AI platform, CHESNO analysts uncovered four corruption factors that could potentially lead to abuses, non-transparent use of targeted funds, and create conditions for corruption and avoidance of liability for violating Ukrainian environmental legislation. These factors include:

  1. Lack of financial and economic justification and uncertainty of funding sources for the implementation and operation of ACS.
  2. Absence of clear requirements for technical specifications for data transmission to the software and technical means of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ukraine, and the responsibility for non-compliance, which could lead to various interpretations and abuses.
  3. Uncertainty regarding the frequency of emission parameter measurements.
  4. Uncertainty regarding the timeline for the establishment of emission control systems.
  1. Time Spent on Research:
    The BestAgreement.AI platform provides comprehensive and reliable conclusions about the potential corruption risks in legislative acts within 30 seconds, while traditional expert analysis takes significantly more time.


  1. AI vs. Corruption: CHESNO Will Work with an Innovative Tool.
  2. European Integration ‘Monitoring on the Pipe’: When Will Ukrainians Breathe Clean Air?

Industry: Legal Services

Vendor: 12New.AI (Washington, DC, USA)

Client: CHESNO

Publication Date: 2024